PAthsoc Research Trainee Initiative (PARTI)
What is PARTI?
The PAthsoc Research Trainee Initiative (PARTI) is a scheme for pathology trainees to get involved in collaborative research projects and audits. It is multi-centre and UK wide, allowing for pathologists across the UK to undertake collaborative projects.
How to I take part?
Trainees have 2 ways in which they can become involved; as a project leader or as a project contributor.
To be a project leader you must meet the following criteria:
- Be a UK based pathology trainee with a training number
- Be a member of pathsoc (you can join up here
- Have a named project supervisor on the application form
- Submit the application form below and agree to the terms and conditions
To be a project contributor you must complete the application form below and agree to the terms and conditions.
The final role is for a project supervisor. This would be a consultant or senior researcher who is a point of contact for the project leader, but any project will be primarily trainee-led.
Please ensure you read our terms and conditions below before submitting any projects or details to PARTI.
What kind of projects can I submit?
In the initial stages of PARTI’s launch, we are only accepting clinical projects that fall under the remit of audit. In the future we hope to be able to expand to larger and other types of research project.
Application Forms and Further questions
Any further questions please get in touch with
Application Form 1 – Project Leader
Agreement to terms and conditions
Ethics/clinical governance - Most projects will require clinical governance approval, although the process for this may differ between centres. Note project proposals should be retrospective studies that do not require Research Ethics Committee (REC) approval or completion of an IRAS form. If you think your project does require formal REC approval, please contact the Pathsoc trainees ( directly to discuss your proposal informally. All project proposals should have local governance approvals in place by the time the project is submitted.
Publication/authorship – Please note we have a statement on authorship and open access, and only projects where this statement has been agreed will be considered
Statement on Authorship:
- The person listed in main project author in part (1) of the proposal form is to be listed as main author on any subsequent abstracts and publications from this project. Should there be joint first authorship this must be agreed in writing between the authors, the main project supervisor and agreed by PathSoc prior to submission of abstracts/publication.
- The main project supervisor as listed in part (2) will be the last author on any abstract/publication submitted. Should there be more than one supervisor, it must be agreed in writing between the supervisors and agreed by PathSoc who will be the main supervisor and therefore last author prior to submission of abstracts/publication. For trainees from other centres wishing to join the collaboration who already have a supervisor, a statement from the collaboration supervisor that they agree to join and release local data has to be provided before joining the collaboration.
- Any contributor of data to this project must be included on the authorship list
- PathSoc must be acknowledged in any publications/posters or oral presentations of this project
- Should this project be accepted for open access publication, PathSoc will review the publication and members of the committee will decide if the fees to publish will be covered by Pathsoc.
Application Form 2 – Project Contributor
I agree once a project is assigned to me to obtain local audit/governance approval and forward this to Pathsoc
I agree if I already have a local supervisor in place not already named I will contact pathsoc to provide written statement that they are happy for data to be released into the collaboration.