The mission of the Pathological Society is to promote the understanding of disease.
- A clear leadership profile in academic pathology
The focus of the Pathological Society is to Understand Disease. This encompasses the support and encouragement of research and other activities that further the understanding of disease mechanisms and processes, with resultant patient benefit, as well as the support for educational activities that promote the Understanding of Disease in all parties, including the general public.
- A commitment to provide tangible benefits to the members
The Society’s programmes are designed to help its members promote the mission of Understanding Disease. This will be by fostering and facilitating research, by developing programmes for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, and by engaging with the general public so that they also come to Understand Disease.
- Partnership with other organisations to promote pathology
The Pathological Society wishes to engage with other organisations and in partnership develop programmes that are aimed at our goal of Understanding Disease.
- Enhanced transparency of the Society with increased member involvement
The Society has developed a structure that allows Members to engage more effectively with the Society’s mission and where they can be empowered by the Society to achieve an Understanding of Disease.
The Pathological Society has Articles by which it is governed. To view the Articles updated and accepted at the AGM on 8 July 2021 click here
To view the By-Laws, updated by the Committee on 6 December 2021 click here