About the grant
To develop and/or strengthen collaboration in scholarly pathological activities between pathology institutions in Great Britain & Ireland and international institutions.
A maximum sum of £10,000 per application.
Who is eligible?
Members of the Society from Great Britain and/or Ireland in good standing for at least 12 months.
Deadline date
01 October
Please upload Part B, Part C & Breakdown of the costs documents during the application process
Examples of Collaborations funded from the International Collaborative Grant
Thyroid Malt Lymphoma: Self-Harming to win T-Cell Help October 2019 Prof Ming Du, University of Camridge - associated published paper
H pylori negative gastric MALT lymphoma: genetic profiling for biomarker in treatment stratification
October 2018 Prof Ming Du, University of Cambridge
Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma: Evidence for More than One Clonal Neoplastic T-Cell Clone
October 2017 Prof Ming Du, University of Cambridge
Genomic alterations in ameloblatoma and ameloblastic carcinoma - a collabortive study
University of Sheffield/University College Hospital Nigeria