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Members of the Society will remember that, in October last year, I circulated the news that the Advisory Committee for Clinical Excellence Awards (ACCEA) had suspended progress of the 2012 round of awards, pending ministerial consideration of the Review of Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration. At that time ACCEA advised eligible Professional Societies (including ourselves) to proceed nevertheless to gather from their membership the details of would-be nominees for National awards at the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels,  in anticipation that the 2012 round of awards would eventually be authorised. We have now received notification that the 2012 exercise is indeed going ahead, with a closing date for on-line submission of August 17th. We have been given explicit guidance from ACCEA that our remit now is simply to complete the process started last autumn: new applications for nominations by the Society in the 2012 Round, further than those we have already received, will not be considered at this time. However, those members who have already sent me their applications for National Awards are invited to review their applications, up-dating any items in their cv that they consider particularly relevant to the Society’s citation.


Andrew H Wyllie FRS

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