About the Grant
To offer histopathology trainees post PhD/MD who wish to continue research part-time whilst completing clinical training (part-time)
The grant provides up to £220,000 over a maximum of 4 years and is intended to cover 50% of salary costs (with 50% of salary provided by the NHS – similar to NIHR Clinical Lectureships) and provides up to £20K consumables per year
Who is eligible
Trainee members of the Society, based in Great Britain or Ireland, in a recognised Specialist Trainee in Histopathology or Dental / Oral Pathology (post FRCPath part 1 or within 6 months of taking the exam). Applicants should have been a member of the Society for at least 12 months.
Deadline Date
01 April (extended to 3 April 23:59) and 01 October
How do I apply
Application Form Part B
Please read the terms and conditions of the award before applying
Guidance notes
Projects funded from the JSPS Clinical Lecturer Grant