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Equipment Grant Scheme 1024

About the Grant

Support for part purchase of items of equipment and/or software for pathologists actively engaged in research.

A maximum sum of £15,000 per application.

Who is eligible?

Members of the Society based in Great Britain & Ireland in good standing for at least 12 months. Non-members may apply as co-applicants with a member of the Society.

Deadline Dates

1 April & 1 October

The following documents will need to be uploaded during the application process:

Covering letter, 2 page A4 application explaining the proposal and justifying the proposed expenditure, 1 page CV of the principal applicant.

Please read the full terms and conditions before applying.

Examples of Projects funded from the Equipment Grant

Purchase of a Qubit Flex DNA quantitation kit and a EVOC Core XL microscope 0421 Swansea University

Part Purchase of an Agilent Tapestation 1020 University of Cambridge

Purchase of a Qubit Flex Fluorometer 1020 University of Sheffield

Purchase of QI Advanced, PrioPLUS System (inc. software) 1020 Newcastle University

Purchase of ATR-FTIR microscope Blackpool Victoria Hospital

Purchase of an additional microtome, Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge

Purchase of a sonicator (Bioruptor Pico), University of Nottingham

Purchase of a (personal automated lab assistant) live cell imaging system Cardiff University

Digital Pathology Image Analysis using the Visiopharm software package John Radcliffe Hospital

Purchase of an Alpha Cycler 4 PCRmax (Labtech) Cancer Genetic Building, Cardiff

Purchase of Droplet Digital PCR Droplet Generator Cancer Genetic Building, Cardiff